The protesters who marched carrying pictures of President Hosni Mubarak who crossed out cross right in the face of the president marched in Istanbul, Turkey, Friday (28 / 1), as an act of solidarity on mass demonstrations in Egypt demanding Mobarak resigned his position as head of state.
Rallies Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak demanded increasingly widespread retreat on Friday (28 / 1). Cairo Government improve security operations that are very tight to block the Internet network as well as all the car phone system.
Demonstration was supported by both the country's largest opposition group and the Nobel Peace Prize winner Mohamed ElBaradei who had just returned.
Inspired by this month's successful revolt and overthrow the Tunisian leader to make a mess, the Egyptian people staged a mass since Tuesday and the activists of Muslims and Christians called for demonstrations after Friday prayers. Hundreds of innocent people were arrested.
Egypt arrested the members of the Muslim Ichwanul including at least eight senior leaders of the group ahead of protests across the country at that time.
20 members of the main opposition group the Muslim Ichwanul been detained.
The lawyer of the group, Abdel Moneim Abdel Maksoud said at least eight senior figures arrested in a dawn operation Friday, including three Essam El Erian spokesman, Hamdy Mohamed Mursi and Hassa.
One security source confirmed, that the authorities ordered stern action against the group performed it Thursday night: "We ordered the security forces crack down on activists Ichwanul Muslims," the source told Reuters.
Ichwanul Muslims are not behind a three-day protest by youths angered by the poor living conditions, but many followers of the group is expected to take part in the protests after Friday prayers.
The government issued warnings to the protesters and did not allow Ichwanul young Muslims to use the protests for what authorities call a "hidden agenda".
Opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei and others said the government is using the opposition of Islam as an excuse for authoritarian rule.
In fact due to this incident, the price of fuel oil (BBM) experienced the adverse implications. Especially as Pertamax expected to experience a very significant increase in 2011. This is triggered by the political crisis in the Middle East is one of Egypt
Observers Petroleum, Kurtubi estimated that when contacted in Jakarta, Saturday (29 / 1) after world oil prices, gold prices and Wall Street terdongkrak political crisis in Egypt. "The impact there must be, Pertamax plus (Pertamina) and Extra super (shell) will surely go up, because it follows the world price," said Kurtubi.
According to Kurtubi, the conditions that oil prices continue to fluctuate would encourage the government to continue to raise the price of fuel (BBM). Restricted the use of subsidized fuel, which is planned in April will also be considered inappropriate policies. Therefore, it would be difficult to control. "The policy is not appropriate, because communities are forced to buy Pertamax that cost twice the price premium. Obviously it would incriminate them, "he said.
therefore the biggest activists protested after three days of protests inspired demonstrations that toppled leader-dmonstrasi Tunisia this month.
Fluctuations in world oil prices going through the numbers Kurtubi estimated 85-105 per barrel. As is known, Brent crude oil trade on Friday (28 / 1) closed above U.S. $ 100 U.S. dollars per barrel. For U.S. crude oil jumped more than 4% because of unrest in Egypt, rocked the market.
Non-subsidized fuel price hike last done on January 14, 2011 last. When it refers to the increase in world oil prices at the level of U.S. $ 90 per barrel. The increase occurred in some areas like Batam. Pertamax Plus became Rp7.700, UPMS I Rp8.400, Riau Rp8.400, UPMS Rp8.100 III, IV UPMS Rp8.700, UPMS V Rp8.700, UPMS VI, UPMS UPMS VI VI (Kalimantan) Rp7.950- Rp8.300
Pertamax / Bio Pertamax to UPMS I Rp8.300, UPMS II Rp7.550, Bangka Rp7.800, UPMS III (Jakarta) Rp7.850, UPMS Rp7.550 IV, V UPMS Rp8.500, Rp8.250 Bali, NTB Rp7 .850, NTT Rp8.700, UPMS VI (Kalimantan) Rp7.600-9750, VII UPMS Rp7.850-Rp9.100. Dex Pertamina gas stations, UPMS III Rp8.450, UPMS V Rp8.850. [Hid]
Demonstrations throughout the country also has now become the largest demonstrations in three decades.
Seven people were killed, namely:
-Five protesters
Two police-
- And more than 100 people injured.
A security official told AFP about 1,000 people detained since the protest began.
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