Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

Nian Shou in the history of Chinese New Year

All the villagers in a foot of the mountain on the Chinese mainland, China, panic and feel scared. They flocked to leave the daily routine and rushed to pack and secure the valuables they could carry.

On that day, before the turn of the year, displaced from their villages that make a place to stay for this is the most safe and appropriate choices. They do not want to end tragically in the presence of Nian Shou.

Nian Shou is a scary creature that has horns, big eyes, and sharp nails. Besides looking sinister, the figure is said to live on the seabed or on top of this mountain are savage, cruel, and did not know compassion. Nian shou often wake up from sleep length to attack humans in the spring or early moments of the Chinese New Year.

Shou Nian meaningful year (Nian) and animals (Shou) is denoted with twelve kinds of animals, ie, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, chicken, dog, pig, rat, buffalo, tiger, and rabbit.

At the moment all the displaced, a grandmother tgang seen standing on the porch. Old body condition made him unable to participate along with other villagers to save themselves. Women who have dozens and dozens of times saved from this threat Shou Nian give up, tired, and resigned. Never mind, he thought, if it should end up in the belly of a legendary monster. He willingly died on the prey of the monster Nian Shou evil, at least he will make Nian Shou slightly satisfied, and maybe, just maybe soon left the village. That way, residents need not linger still in hiding. The grandmother was smiling thinking about all the expectations into reality.

A cold sweat moistened his grandmother's forehead. Based on his experience so far, Nian Shou get out and spread terror over approximately six hours from now. My grandmother who stood trembling clutching a broom as a makeshift weapon, directing mata'a into every corner, trying to saw a shadow in the distance. Chilling the grandmother had standing, but returned to normal when I discovered that only a human figure.

Shabby-looking stranger who was then asked "why no one else in this village?".

After receiving an explanation, the man who was also elderly man nodded, as if to understand what to do. He ignored the advice of the grandmother to take part fled to the hills. The old man patted the shoulders of the grandmother and said all would be fine. Intention "suicide" in the presence of Nian Shou was gone.

Whether it was a soft tone or a casual nature, the grandmother who believe in greeting new people he knew. Glimmer of hope emerged. Based on the words of the grandfather, Nian Shou is not a creature that can not be defeated. Man-eating monsters and animals that also has its disadvantages. Shou Nian was afraid of three things: a red color, noise, and something greater than himself.

Shou Nian emergence time is getting closer. The old man asked the grandmother to help repel monsters preparation. They both work together to paint all the walls red, red ornament put different at different points, making firecrackers from bamboo rods, and wide-spread cloth painted like a creature that big. Because it involves life and death, men and women in old age were successfully completed all within five hours. The small village was transformed into a sea of red.

When the awaited arrived. Shou Nian Kenudian surfaced. The monsters are very hungry look to move closer, intending to fill the stomach after a long sleep in winter. Shou Nian originally sudden violent cringe at the sight of a million red in sight. The monster shook, staggered, like a dog dying. In one corner of the house, the duo grandparents prepare for further attacks.

Momentum is right, thought the grandfather. The silver-haired man frowned, acting extra careful. He does not want one gestured to colleagues all of a sudden . All must run perfectly, to finish calamity that befell this village since many years ago. And, all also at stake at the time.

"now!" cried the old man. Wide fabric rolled up in an angle of 45 degrees from where Nian Shou stood open. Suddenly, the monster jumps back and fell down, surprised to see a large cloth that he expected a huge creature. Old grandmother who stood trembling while holding a piece of bamboo, as if in disbelief watching the scene in front of the eye. Shou Nian, a legendary man-eating monster mythology, looks so helpless. Despite age, older women who have never done wonderful things during his life, to feel confident to beat Nian Shou today.

The second cue heard clearly in the ear of the grandmother. He was immediately set off firecrackers, just as did the mysterious old man at the corner of the house directly across the street. Thundering noise of firecrackers, broke the quiet stillness of the night. The old man then came out of hiding places, close to Nian Shou, laughing loudly. Nian Shou looks in pain, suffered terrible pain. After a few minutes, the creature that had been disturbing the tranquility of citizens, flew away into the sky.

All over. The nightmare was over, thought the grandmother. Now, he and other people can lead normal lives without interruption Nian Shou. The grandmother who was unable to dissolve in the joy back tears and his knees with emotion. From behind His eyes puffy , he saw the old man smiled at a distance before it finally flew into space. The grandmother grateful. His prayer had been answered. Kingdom of heaven was a god send for an end to human suffering on earth, in this small village.

The next day, the residents returned. They were surprised at their residence to be all in red, but without any damage. The grandmother smiled at some of his neighbors among crowds of people. Tears were falling back. And, heroic stories his grandmother shared the sky god is widespread all over mainland China.

There are several versions of Nian Shou expulsion from the earth. It is reported that malignant monster running scared after meeting a boy who happened to be wearing a red dress. There is also a mention that the mysterious figure is just an old man who happened to pass ordinary beggar. Nevertheless, the similarity of these stories are diverse Shou Nian was afraid of red color and noise.

Since Nian Shou no longer visible, automatic Chinese citizens no longer need to evacuate. Some people who believe Nian Shou only to escape and to return at any time. To anticipate, they put a red cloth, lit firecrackers and lit a lantern all night, waiting for the coming New Year. This tradition is deeply entrenched and become a traditional celebration of the Chinese in welcoming the "passing of Nian" (in Chinese, Nian means year.)

Chinese people always relate the time period from day-to-23 to the 30 within twelve months of the lunar calendar (month) just before Hari Raya Lunar New Year as "small Nian." When New Year's Eve arrived, the whole family gathered together. In northern China, every family has a tradition of eating an apple dumplings called Jiao. In the Chinese language, Jiao had the same pronunciation with the word "together." In other words, these apple dumplings symbolize togetherness and family happiness. In addition, "Jiao" also has another meaning that is the coming new year.

In southern China, local people consume happy New Year cakes sweets made of rice flour. This cake symbolizes the sweetness of life and believed to be able to make progress in life. In the Chinese language, the word "cake" and "making progress" has the same pronunciation with a Chinese character, namely "Gao."

Toward 12 o'clock the night, each family will set off firecrackers. This indicates that noise is believed to have expelled Nian Shou in the past. On the first day of Lunar New Year, most Chinese people wear new clothes and say goodbye to older people. Children usually get angpao or envelope containing the money from family members who are already working. While in the second and third day, they visited each other close friends and relatives.

During the Lunar New Year celebration, in general, several roads in the trade area was packed with Chinese families are busy shopping. They are also used to hold various events such as entertainment or Dragon Lion Dance performances, flower markets, and exhibitions in the temple area.

After the 15th day of the first month in Chinese lunar calendar or calendar, residents held a Lantern Festival, marking the end of the Lunar New Year celebration.

Lunar New Year can also be interpreted as a celebration to welcome spring, as well as the end of winter marker. This celebration is associated with a party of farmers who give thanks for abundant prosperity. The event includes prayer and celebration Cap Go Meh.

In 1911, the first president Sun Yat Sen Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations to change the spring festival. In fact, the festival is designated as a national holiday which is celebrated every year. In Indonesia, people of Chinese descent have the freedom to celebrate the Chinese New Year in 2000 under the leadership of President Abdurrahman Wahid.

After that, Wahid issued Presidential Decree No. 19/2001 dated 9 April 2001, which inaugurated the Chinese New Year as a holiday facultative alias only applies to those who celebrate. On February 12, 2002, Chinese New Year officially declared as one of national holiday by President Megawati Soekarno Putri.

Mariah Carey's secret twins

Talented female singer Mariah Carey and golden voice was in rundung sense bahagi. A few months back, the woman who sang the song flawless in this HERO will have a baby. He also announced the happy news to those penggemar'a, that he would soon gave birth to twins.

However, the wife of Nick Cannon was not yet willing to reveal the sex of her baby. Although many of the fans are forced to know the sex of twins from the singer who will become a mother, she still keep her ultrasound results.

"I let it all a secret. I do not want to tell about my children before their time. No one knows except me and Nick," so he says